It’s 2011. Happy new year to all of you (better be late than never) and this is my first post in this year. 2010 is history now. This was the year that I have started blogging and no matter whether people read it or not I have posted quite a few thoughts on various subjects that draws my attention. This year left quite a memories professionally as well as personally for me to hold on for rest of my life.
As I sit down to write, I often find it difficult to hold on to my thoughts and give them a proper form. It’s like a train(s) of thoughts travelling randomly to and fro at speed of light (or may be more) and I’m standing at the station with a ticket to catch the train that never stops!. Often I fail miserably to come up with something, when I intentionally sit down to write. May be I cannot concentrate for whatever reasons maybe.
On the other hand, words pour in from all sides to give constructive shape to my thoughts, when I’m deeply connected with it irrespective of what I’m doing mostly while travelling etc. I always felt amazed at this irony and immensely relieved. But I hope to keep continuing blogging as long as I can on various aspects around me.
With every new-year, we come up with new resolutions .To me it is to make this year 2011,the most memorable than all previous years of my life combined together. I hope it is the same with you and good-bye to our own good old friend ' year 2010'.