Friday, March 13, 2015

Oath of an Indian Army Officer!!!

The Armed Forces of India i.e., Indian Army, Indian Airforce and Indian Navy will always have a very special place in my heart for what they represent. I came to  know about these brave hearts of India only during the Kargil Conflict in 1999 when I was in my 8th grade. Since then I have a huge respects for these Men in uniform.

I never had 'THE STUFF' to make it into Indian Army except for deep love of My Nation and its people. But nevertheless , I'm always fascinated towards it. I had a great privilege of interacting with Armed forces and visiting their places which was once in a life time opportunity. My fascination took me to a journey of understanding them a better through wars that they fought, their tactics, challenges faced , mental agony and utmost bravery displayed against all odds to win the battle etc. These things have increased my sense of respect for these men to a new level.

Coming to one particular thing that I get connected to very much is the Oath of an Indian Army officer, which I 'm going to write it down here. 

"I  hereby solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India,as by law established and that I will, as in duty bound honestly and faithfully,serve in the regular Army of the Union of India and go wherever ordered, by land, sea or air,and that I will observe and obey all the commands of the President of the Union of India and the commands of any officer set above me, even to the peril of my life."

I came to know about Oath through the movie "lakshya", where a particular scene was dedicated for this Oath ceremony.  Here is the Oath scene from the Movie " Lakshya".

 This scene always gives me goosebumps whenever I see it. This scene was executed to perfection. It is because of this Oath that they are bounded to, which makes them to execute their tasks putting their lives at risk . It is because of this Oath that the people of this Nation are able to have good night sleep with their families while these men guard our borders against evil forces working to demoralize this Nation. My salutations to these great men and their responsibility that are dutifully fulfilling.  I almost see this once in every week to remind myself of my duty towards My Nation.

In all, I take pride in being a great supporter of Indian armed forces. Their discipline , courage , traditions and love for the Nation is what  needs to be inculcated in every citizen of this Nation for its Prosperity and Peace.

Lastly I leave you with this Instrumental Intro music from the Movie "Lakshya" which inspires me a lot. Hope you enjoy it too.  Just remember to take pride in being Indian and supporter of Indian Armed Forces. This is least thing they can expect from us apart from respect and honour.

Stay Happy and keep smiling 


  1. yes! hats off to Indian Army. My mother belongs to an Army background and I really enjoy the company of Army people :)

    1. hi Ankita , its good to know that you are from a army background family. I think , you would exactly understand the oath and how it feels to be an officer in an Indian Army defending this Great Nation.Anyways cheers to you as well as to the Indian Army :) tc

  2. Hi vamsi.I also remember the kargil war pictures I saw as a child.I share u that I also inspired and wrote a telugu kavitha on kargil warriors of India and I read this in my 10th class farewell party.The way u expressed your respect to them is really very good.

    1. Hi kiran, thank you for those kind words. Its great know that you have written a kavitha for our soldiers. My only request for you from my side in this life is you to start blogging and post your Telugu poems. I would just love to read them all. And I'm sure many more would love to as well. Anyways keep writing and tc.

  3. Is there a mention of the word “FREEDOM” in the oath?


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